Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rockport Trip (II): Bearskin Neck

Our second stop in Rockport is the town of Bearskin Neck. About the origin of the name, there are different sayings. One source says Bearskin Neck was named by fishermen who saw the bearskin left on the rocks to dry [1]. Another source says this small peninsula is so-named for menacing bears that early settlers routed onto the neck and hunted [2].

Out journey started with the famous old red fish house known as "Motif #1", one of the most painted and photographed scenes in America. It was originally built in 1884 and has had to rebuilt several times due to the ravages of nature. It's still said to be the most photographed building in the country [2]. Mama sort of captured the "Motif #1" in the picture above. However, the picture she found online represented its beauty much better. (Sorry, Mama, you need work harder next time.)

Baba, let's go over there, please!

I found a chair along the side of the street. I sit on it happily and did not realize that on its back it says "The Husband's Chair".

I could not believe that I attempted to kiss a dog! This was against my principle. I think Baba must have tricked me doing it.

Along its narrow street in Bearskin Neck, there are so many quaint little studios, shops and restaurants. The flowers outside one of the studio is a piece of art itself.

Mama captured this street view. I like it.

On the tip of the town, I sit down and enjoyed beautiful music from a violin. 

Submerged in the sound of the violin, both Baba and I was thinking about our past, current and future.

Haha, cannot leave Rockport without eating a lobster!


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