Sunday, September 14, 2014

Newport (I): Brenton Point Sate Park

In the first weekend of September, we went to Newport for our second sailing trip. Our sailing trip was scheduled on early Saturday afternoon.  We left on Friday afternoon and stayed in Yankee Peddler Inn for one night. . 

The Yankee Peddler Inn was tucked into a peaceful "Historic Hill" neighborhood. This early Victorian home was built in the 1830s for a Boston mariner and naval officer. It is a few blocks from the waterfront and Bellevue Avenue. According to internet, this place with adjacent ivy-covered carriage house affords visitors a unique experience in downtown Newport [1]. However, all I remembered about its uniqueness was the narrow stairs to go down to the ground floor to have our breakfast. As for the breakfast, the Cheerio Mama brought for me from home was the best.


The next day, we had an entire morning to explore the Newport area.  Mama found us the Brenton Point State Park located at the point of land where Narragansett Bay meets the Atlantic. This park was named after Governor William Brenton, who owned the land as a large farm in the 17th century [2]. 

We first strolled and ran in a green area with wild flowers in the park.

Near the end of the green area, we discovered an old old tree and an old old house. The old house was fenced to lock a mystery or ghosts perhaps. 

Then, we enjoyed the breeze from the ocean and the rough beauty of the stony seashore. 

The kites flying in the sky was a surprise for us. We did not know that this park actually hosts the Brenton Point Kite Festival annually on the second weekend of July. The super fresh and a bit windy Atlantic air is great for kite flying. 


Let's go fly a kite!


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